Have you ever wondered, “What is Satan like?”

Along with that, “How is Satan and his demons affecting our society?”

What examples might you give of Satan, and his minions, meddling in our affairs?

Perhaps if you watched the Grammy’s, you would mention a gender confused singer, who mocked Christianity.

If you watch the news, perhaps you might mention the Church of Satan, who protested the ten commandments monument by constructing a goat-headed statue and placing it at the state capital.

Maybe you would mention when a vast majority of businesses and cities in this country become obsessed with the rainbow for a month, and there are parades of people exposing themselves to children and adults alike.

Perhaps you’ve never given it much thought, and your mind immediately goes to scary and shady looking people and places.

Horror movies like to make us think Satan, and his minions, take the form of creepy things that lurk in the darkness.

If you are asked to personify Satan, someone like Charles Manson may come to mind.

The common denominator of all these examples is that they are easy to recognize as sinful.

The daily work of Satan, and his minions, tends to be a bit more obscured.

Movies like to portray Satan as a scary goat-headed humanoid with a blood pentagram.

Scripture tells a different story. Satan, before his fall, was described as perfect in beauty. Scripture also tells us that Satan is the father of lies.

Think about beauty that is accompanied by lies in our society. Do the following things come to mind?

Social media with its filters, image editing, and fake locales make people feel insecure about their own bodies and unhappy with their own lives.

Normalization of sins has us not recognizing them in our day-to-day lives.

Porn and OnlyFans normalizes LUST

Cancel culture and intolerance normalizes ANGER

Consumerism and the influencer mentality normalizes GREED, ENVY, and JEALOUSY

Apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge normalize IMPURITY and ADULTRY

The emphasis of wealth and status brings about IDOLATRY

With these in mind, now consider the idea of “Satan in the flesh.” Perhaps Charles Manson still comes to mind, but perhaps now it is the President, a wealthy influencer, a prosperity preaching televangelist, or someone who owns a television network.

Satan never loses sight of his goal, to spread the lie that we, as a fallen, sinful people, do not need a Saviour.

Do not allow his lies to make you lose sight of what scripture tells us in John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Don’t be fooled by Satan’s lies no matter how normalized they are by society. Turn to Jesus, for he is the TRUTH.

God bless and AMEN.

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