Hello fellow Bible believers,

My wife and I have been studying scripture together for the past few years and enjoying taking a Bible study class once a week. We recently started looking for a daily or weekly devotional and my wife suggested we make a “his and her” one.

We’ve been married since 2013. My wife was a believer, being saved and giving her life to Christ as a teen. I was not a believer. Despite warnings in scripture telling a believer not to be unequally yoked to a non-believer, she said “Yes!” Fast forward to five years later, I gave my life to Christ in 2018.

As believers, we try putting Christ first in our lives and go to scripture before making decisions. It has been enjoyable to go through years of marriage reading scripture, making life decisions, and seeing how my wife applies scripture differently than I may apply it.

This devotional that will span 13 weeks. My wife chose the topics, and I will choose the scripture for each topic. We each will address the topic based on the selected scripture and our life experiences. The “His and Her” twist, we decided NOT to share each other’s devotional beforehand so we aren’t influenced by the other’s message. Afterward, we will provide discussion points, a challenge for the coming week, and a prayer suggestion. We will then provide an extended list of scripture used when researching the topic.

We ARE NOT relationship experts or biblical scholars. We can only talk about our knowledge, experience, and understanding of scripture.

We are not talking with authority from our church or denomination, but we are students of these authorities and share common beliefs. However, these are our ideas and thoughts. Out of respect, we are letting our pastor and fellow church goers know about our devotional, but this is a project separate from our church and church family.

Feel free to pray for us and send us your ideas and comments. Our hope is to have fun in this project, to grow closer to God, to grow closer to each other, to understand each other better, to attempt to help others, and to spread the Gospel.

God bless.